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“Mark Rosin is the most meticulous editor I have ever worked with. No word is beyond his intense scrutiny.”

– Marvin C. Alkin, editor, Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists’ Views and Influences

“Mark Rosin’s editorial talent knows no bounds. He’s as comfortable and adept editing non-fiction books and novels as he is editing scripts and business materials. As a magazine editor years ago, he did more than edit; he taught me how to write. While many editors try to force people to write the article or book they would have written, Mark is like an author whisperer. He helps you tell the story you want to tell.”

Lori Andrews is the author of 14 books, including the Alex Blake mystery series and the nonfiction book, I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of Privacy

“Mark Rosin has given me a voice. He has rendered our country a great service by converting technical lifesaving medical information about how to recognize, survive, and prevent heart attacks and strokes into language highly readable by the general public and also by practicing physicians. He puts a ‘zing’ into medical writing.”

– Glenn O. Turner, MD, Past President, Missouri Heart Association; Fellow, Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association; and coauthor of Recognizing and Surviving Heart Attacks and Strokes: Lifesaving Advice You Need Now

“Mark Rosin has been a huge gift to my life. He has helped me with three very powerful books. He is masterful at teasing information out of my soul, and his organizational skills made it take form. I will forever be in his debt for his service to me.”

– Steven Jay Fogel, coauthor of Your Mind Is What Your Brain Does for a Living: Learn How to Make It Work for You, My Mind Is Not Always My Friend: A Guide for How Not to Get in Your Own Way, and The Yes-I-Can Guide to Mastering Real Estate: How to Build Your Confidence and Your Wealth

“Shortly after we began working together, it was clear that Mark was a meticulous and exacting editor. But as the weeks of working together passed into months, Mark never failed to ensure that the teachings and the processes that I intended to walk the reader through were clearly presented on the page. I will always be indebted to his generosity and to his being an invaluable amalgam: editor, literary consultant, champion for The Four Desires and the ancient teachings it draws from, as well as a dear friend.”

– Rod Stryker, author of The Four Desires: Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity, and Freedom

“I have known Mark Rosin for more than 20 years in both a personal and professional capacity. At Simon & Schuster I edited a book he wrote titled Stepfathering, a book of advice for stepfathers. I found Mark to be diligent and highly professional, a talented writer with a gift for making specialized material or resources accessible and enjoyable to read. Mark was fully engaged from start to finish on this book and worked constantly to improve the manuscript. He responded energetically to editorial suggestions. “I have read in part or in whole other books that Mark has written on his own and in collaboration with others. As was the case with Stepfathering, Mark’s writing was always luminous. On collaborations, he expertly captured the voice of his coauthor. “In addition to his professional skills, Mark is a wonderful person—easy to work with, available whenever necessary, eager to do what he can to make a book a success. I cannot recommend him too highly for any writing assignment or collaboration.”

– Bob Bender, Vice President and Senior Editor, Simon & Schuster

“No blur of inexactness, no cloud of vagueness, is allowable in good writing; from the first seeing to the last putting down, there must be steady lucidity and uncompromise of purpose.”

– Eudora Welty, author of, among other works, On Writing (from which this quote is taken) and short stories and essays collected in Eudora Welty: Stories, Essays & Memoir